Wednesday, March 21, 2007

“One Sleepless Night”

“One Sleepless Night”

I have been sleepless, the crust around
My eyes are the tired tears left behind
As the oil paint on my canvas.

This night I have dimmed my light down,
My exhaustion sucking energy
From some secret well of courage.

Time tees off and hits the mark, Gone!
To me it is merely a reminder
That today is almost in the past.

I milk my mind for some whisper that sounds
As familiar as my brokeness,
As true as my desperate cry for refuge.

But there is a vacancy so loud that pounds
Upon this fragility that I now am,
Leaving me to ponder this silence so vast,

This complete solitude within me found
Like an ancient prophecy it reads
And phrases my pain in godly tutelage.

“I shall prove them herewith” the Voice announced,
“Art thou greater than Him?” it gently asked.
“Doubt not, fear not.” The answer at last.

Sleeplessly I stare in eminent awe that crowns
My soul in reverence to this One
That turned this sleepless night into His message.

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