Wednesday, March 21, 2007

“Peter, James and John”

“Peter, James and John”

Enter into My secret place
and do not think you are less than privileged,
For I shelter My soul from eyes I do not
Lips that like ether let secrecy escape through the
Cracks and poison the air.

But come; see the fog lift in shades,
You may find a jot or tittle, a tiny vestige
Of glory in the circling of stars in the settling of
Gold dust
Around your head like a halo only angels graciously
After sacrifice come to wear.

I welcome you to bow in this garden’s grace,
Do you hear the whispering? Feel the holy siege
Sent to those who seek the answers beyond the
My blessing is with you child, come and partake
From My vineyard and share.

Oh but sleep steals you from God’s face,
From the blood and, the cold night’s anguish
I bore in reverie of eons ago when I was chosen
For love,
For wanting your greatness to bloom and shine
Forth at resurrection’s trumpets blare.

Today His invitation opens the garden gate
To you and I, will you enter and visit?
Can you put down the sickle and plow to taste
His cup?

I hear Peter, James and John call in their witness
I read after my early Morning Prayer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.