Wednesday, March 21, 2007

No More Begging”

No More Begging”

The black of night yields me restless,
Bouncing from you to me to you
In an anxious need,
A hunger bullying me
But painful to my blood pumping organ.

You have denied me the gratitude
That bends to Love and joyfulness,
Refraining to kiss,
To embrace the bliss
And magnitude
I am privileged to bear as a full fledge woman.

I refuse to beg and lengthen my stride
Under the moonlight that watches,
Wanting, praying and crushing
My fingers in pleading
For your blue eyes
To ravish me down within my grand canyon.

Whisper me no more to your demigod
Of word-filled volumes, I must starve
For knowledge of you,
Your body in the nude,
Like the first time
I beheld the curving shadow of a banion.

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