Wednesday, March 21, 2007

“Seeking More than Answers”

“Seeking More than Answers”

I can ask myself a roll of questions
And give the right answers,
Knowing full well the consequences
Should I transgress…
My understanding broad enough
To see the possible error
And folly I would incur at length
Should I regress…

But what good are the answers
And my wisdom Lord God
If it is through error I must learn
My unique nothingness?
Oh, I am aware and comprehend
That knowledge is power,
That to act upon is freedom
And my privilege at best…

Still, my weakness is dimension
I cannot avoid without repercussion,
I am slave to mortality’s tenth
And pay the price is its request…
The answers do not apprehend
The joys of deliverance,
But they are citadels and warrant
To my flesh recklessness…
I suppose it is my submission
That strives relentlessly against
My superior ignorance
Like devils at war with brightness…

What am I to do with my ration
And portion of rejoinders?
Should I let go and sanction
All suffering as my only kindness?
Should I embrace this inference
That to know is better than not
And to falter is not detention
But growth under thy breath?
Oh my God, I do not question
Thy wisdom nor answers given,
I simply ask for my obedience
To be braver than my knowingness.

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