Friday, May 20, 2011

"Change of Status"

PLEASE feel free to comment. Thank you for time. Deborah

No husband.
No child.
Cold stone walls entombed her
As did her stone-cold marred status.

Rejected at any cool well, mingling
Was forbidden.
And hope had turned to a dry cactus.

Hundreds of cries,
Heart spent, exhausted in hushed
Faith-filled prayers yet, rebuffed.

One cure,
A solitary boon 
Promised thousands of years before
Gleamed green as a small locust! 

Multitudes fed,
Crowds healed by The Promise
HE had come and also been scoffed.

How? She paced,
Flooding thoughts spinning
And spun, “the Hem!” An unseen touch.

None would know,
“If I could crawl between the hails”
She thought...But Doubt flew in a soft buzz. 

“Woman, hide, thou art cursed
As the leper! Sinner!” Doubt formed in clusters.

Twelve years,
Seasons seen as the plagued
While her mustard seed was being tested.

“HE comes!”
Pathos and praise!
HE comes! Veiling her vileness
Her feet ran then fell, reaching, breathless.

HE questioned,
“who touched me?” turning to see. 
Absurdity stomped, shocked hearts all across. 

She was caught. 
Power flowed, blood cursed her no more. 
“thy faith has made thee whole” spoke the Christos.

“Change of Status”
{The change of status title has three stages; (a)  she was definitely married before her illness, (b) she was left by husband when her trial begun due to Mosaic law; therefore, changing her societal status as well.And (c) After her miracle by Jesus her status was returned in the physical and societal sense but, also within her own self she understood true status as Daughter of God and eternal status, and more importantly, she recognized Christ’s true status, not merely what she had been hearing.]

No husband. {her present status}
No child. {barrens also a curse and judgment }
Cold stone walls entombed her  { referring to the walls of her house, her loneliness and ostercisized reality, all felt like a tomb within and with out, environment and physical limits, judgments as well as spiritual imprisonment by the imposed laws}
As did her stone-cold marred status. { her status stamped her, catagorized her, and was written on stone as her license to what she was allowed to do, receive and presume, it marred her entire future.}

Unclean! { Capitalizing it expresses the enormity of her heartache, it is an image of being completely rejected]
Rejected at any cool well, mingling
Was forbidden. [ by law women she wasn’t permitted to fetch water while others were around; I added the word cool  not only to the water’s soothing drink but the to recognize how deep a well must go before there’s a cool drink, and how deep was her rejection;  mingling would dirty the other, therefore forbidden, everything we take for granted]
And hope had turned to a dry cactus. [seld explanatory since a cactus slowly withers as was her hope]

Hundreds of cries,
Heart spent, exhausted in hushed
Faith-filled prayers yet, rebuffed.  [Referring to all her waiting upon God in supplicants and prayers of active faith yet, they had all been rebuffed, denied.]

One cure, [she could only reach pne cure after years of doctors, money, home remedies,
A solitary boon {a sole hope}
Promised thousands of years before [what she had heard, probably never read since women weren’t allowed such an education. I have the feeling she was a woman that was very aware of what the political scene was, a keen observer and attentive listener as to know about a so-called Savior, healing many in surrounding territories even though she was housebound to a degree. But she knew through the Spirit this Jesus of Nazareth  was that promise, her sole hope and cre.]
Gleamed green as a small locust! [green- the color of Hope; a tiny desert creature, to her mind carried a beautiful symbolic color, the size of her hope as she remembered over and over there’d be One]}

Echoing, [she had reports of Jesus that kept echoing by those around and within her]
Multitudes fed, [He had fed multitudes, this miracle was close in proximity and she [to me] saw herself as just one, she wouldn’t even be remembered especially after multitudes.]
Crowds healed by The Promise. {the jews believed in many messiahs but in hebrew and greek, Jesus/Jehova was the Promised One, from the beginning and, the Only One who’d save, heal, fulfill. This woman was definitely a believer and one of great faith}
HE had come and also been scoffed.[He had alas come and had full understanding of rejection and pushed away]

How? She paced, [immediately she started coming up with ideas as to how she’d reach him, this expresses an undying belief that her desire was possible and reachable and she wasn’t going to let anthing prohibit her from trying]
Sweeping, [a lot of women keep there hands, feet busy while they ponder; also, sweeping brings to mind a sweeping away of old thoughts, cleaning unseen corners.]
Flooding thoughts spinning [countless thoughts filled her soul,. I use the word spinning because women spinned their cloth, and each thought was spinning a seamless possibility, a way to have her prayer answered and receive her healing.]
And spun, “the Hem!” An unseen touch. [as mentioned, her pondering finally was done, it had spun the answer—His hem, totally inconspicuous, besides, she wouldn’t even leave a print behind. I thought, why not his sleeve? To my mind, it reveals not only her feelings of unworthiness, but her humility; she didn’t need others to know, not even HIM!  Her being that close was enough and, so close to hundreds that wouldn’t be dirtied by her; she didn’t wish to bother nor harm another.]

None would know,
“If I could crawl between the hails”[she even crawl [her nothingness] Hails—the image of glory, comparing her speechless hope around the songs of all who either recognized Who He was but also were crying for some blessing]
She thought...But Doubt flew in a soft buzz. {Doubt is another name fr Satan}

“Woman, hide, thou art cursed
As the leper! Sinner!” Doubt formed in clusters.{things this woman may have had shooting thru her mind; Satan is always trying to make us feel unworthy, unclean, unwanted creating in us a distance between God and us, a fear, a sense of being forsaken ; depletion, while building himself ]

Twelve years,
Seasons seen as the plagued the cutting down of years to seasons feels how heavy was her cross, her countless days, hours, prayers, loneliness and day by day seeking new solutions; everything it had cost her.]
While her mustard seed was being tested.{mustard seed reference to her faith which had been being proven twelve year with her issue of blood}

“HE comes!”[the Answer, arriving almost to her doorsteps!]
Pathos and praise! [a multitude of emotions mixed with every praise she heard outside her door, and her very own]
HE comes! Veiling her vileness [the reptition is usually emphasizing the importance of the event. Quickly she covers her rejection from possibly being discovered, shoved, scoffed at, bringing her attention]
Her feet ran then fell, reaching, breathless. [no need to explain her desire to do what she had planned without being seen.]

Silence. [her fall caught everyone’s attention]
HE questioned,
“who touched me?” turning to see. [I loved the sweet voice I’m certain He used where only those closer to him could hear, the fact that he made no commotion but thru the Spirit knew His power had been claimed by the power of one of these, the least, had enough of in order to be healed; “who” not capitalized because of her status]
Absurdity stomped, shocked hearts all across. [referring to the apostles and crowd}

Rising;[Rising not merely from her fall but also rising spiritually and cured! Now able  to lift her head without shame]
She was caught. {her fear }
Power flowed, blood cursed her no more.  {power/virtue a double meaning; thru God’s power she [we are all] cleansed, heaed, in  body, mind and emotionally]
“thy faith has made thee whole” spoke the Christos. {He validated her faith, her virtue and what allowed her to draw from Him and, allowed Him to draw near to her. I use the Greek word of Christos from Messiah which brings to mind the true title/meaning of Christ, The Anointed, reemphasizing his pre-moral and earthy, eternal role, work. I find it interesting that it is her blood that had been hemorrhaging , corrupting her body, status and possible life,  and it is Jesus’ blood that does all the opposite}

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