Thursday, March 22, 2007

“Remembering Two”

They were both Mine—
In the possessive form of grammar.

One carried me with urgings I remembered as
Sweet and sour, mixed with red warnings and
Telepathic “knowing” I
Once read as nuisances to my stretching mind
And adulthood assumptions!

But oh, what Time erases and experience brands
Upon your soul!

They were both Mine—
Like my eyes, hands and dappled dreams.

Two I carried with elative nouns and expletives!
I filled every room with nuances of joy, the sights
Of carousels, cars, and trains!
My skin stretched for two,
My wanderings were about two,
And good-night kisses were safeguarded for two.

Suddenly I weighed a little less, my
Arms held fewer contents and my lips whispered only
To one.

Oh, what Time does not erase and what experience
Metamorphose upon the soul.

*Dedicated to a friend who was pregnant with two boys yet one died at birth.


Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing yourself through the marvelous gift of words.

deborah said...

thank you for taking the time to encourage me.
