Thursday, March 22, 2007

“The Interim between Heaven”

“The Interim between Heaven”

She is ten feet away and her small voice
Trembles in pain as I type away my hurried thoughts—
Not fencing myself from pouring,
Grinding out in black
Nothing of great importance…
Behind me she calls out for rescue
Like a cello sounding desperate but too beautiful
To unloose the tears, confined to the notes written by another in
Perfect control…
I listen with a choking,
My fingers aiming but
Missing every key in my useless attempts
Of composition; for
Her aching
Binds and wraps my soul in anxiety’s cadence,
For if I should exert one dammed-up ounce
Of passion’s rushing, I’d end up on
Resentment’s shoal!

How can one be offended by love’s divinity when
Love Is
Swallowing the vinegar, then quietly knowing
Her cross will be her eternal praise?

dedicated to my sister LIZA

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