Thursday, March 29, 2007

“Have You Created Any Dirt Lately?”

It never stops to amaze me how far from the heart the
God of creation is--

Have His trees become less important for breathing or the rain less
Vital for the roses, the dandelions and peony petals to perfume;
Or do corn and wheat feed the hungry less than do
Apples and sweet round peaches because we waste more?

Have the oceans stopped roaring or mesmerizing lovers,
Mountains and hills erased from the skies canvas without notice?
Have children ceased smiling or widows weeping as though
They belong to somebody else and not you?

Are we so deaf and blind that divinity has been
Mulled and chewed over then
Nullified beyond recognition?

What has happened to the heart, which understood the unseen?
Heard the buzzing bee,
Found the song through the storms,
Watched a baby sleep;
Dreamt new possibilities,
Hoped impossibilities;
Sowed the mustard seed and then sheltered the fowls?

Why are we so distant from God?
What demands the conscience to a labyrinth of no sorts--?
Of no Voice that identifies Whose You Are,
Of no quiet reflections,
Or why grapes grow on vines and coconuts are coarse?

The questions are all around us
Like a hive never ending its

And the answers are refuted by the “intelligent”
Which, co-equal themselves
With God but have yet to create dirt!

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